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道歉信常用的写作词汇 道歉信

发布时间:2019-07-30 09:22:28 影响了:


1. apologize: vi 道歉;辨白

eg :I am writing to apologize for having caused so much trouble for you. 我写这封信是为了我给您带来的不便而道歉。

2. impolite : adj 无礼的,粗鲁的

eg: I do know that this is very impolite and must have caused you much trouble.


3. inconvenience: n 麻烦;不方便之处

eg: I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you. 我想我的做作所为一定给你带来了很多不便。

4. unintentionally :adv 无意的;非存心的;非故意地

eg: I hope that you can understand that I did it unintentionally.

5. sorry: adj 遗憾的;对不起的;可怜的

eg: I am awfully sorry that I failed to hand in my term paper on time. 我为没有按时提交学期论文而感到万分抱歉。

6. apology: n 辩解;道歉

eg: I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apology.


7. fault: n 故障;毛病;措施

eg: I hope you could give me a chance to make up for my fault. 我希望你能给我个机会弥补这个错误。

8. make up for: 弥补;补偿

eg ; I would like to put forward these following aspects to make up for my fault.


9. explain: v 解释;说明

eg: I must explain that what had happened to me that day.


10. r emove: v 移除;消除

eg: In order to remove our misunderstanding, I would like to give you some solutions to make up for my fault.


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